Attributes I Look For in a New Salesperson

Hey, welcome back. In this video I want to talk to you about what I look for when I hire a salesperson or when a company says, “Who’s the kind of people we should be hiring.” This is the advice that I give to them.

I want you to be the kind of salesperson who understands that selling is a process. It’s a series of skills. It’s a series of steps and each step along the way, every little detail, can be worked on and improved. Wherever your level is now, if you just show up and come to work and start selling and dial the phone or meet people, you’re not necessarily getting better because you’re not really working on little specific skills and crafts.

Selling is a craft. It’s not just a profession, it’s an art form. Selling is an art because the longer you do it, you should be getting better at it – your timing, your understanding, your level of nervousness should be going down, your level of stress, should be going down. You can actually get better over time. In that sense, it’s an art because there’s a feel for it, but it’s also a science because it’s completely repeatable. I can go to any salesperson in the world, find out what they’re selling and show them if you do this, this and this, you’ll see huge improvements because selling is the same across every product, across every country, every price point.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling to consumers or businesses, whether you’re selling cheap things or expensive things, it’s all the same. There are very, very specific steps in the sales process that you can go back and you can study and improve and create index cards and notes and prepare yourself completely. You’ve invested hours and hours and hours watching these videos, what I want you to do is be the kind of salespersons that doesn’t just do this and say okay, I’m done now. No, I want you to go back to the very specific parts of the sales process that you’re not good at yet. I want you to work on improving that.

I want a salesperson who understands that this is a very specific process and they’re always looking to improve on their performance in very specific areas. I like people that understand there are very specific words and phrases that you can say and once you know those phrases, you’ve got it. It’s easy. If you don’t know the phrase, it’s not easy.

Always be learning new ideas, new techniques, and new phrases. Listen to how other people sell. When you’re in a store, listen to how they sell. Try to take what they do and incorporate it into what you do. This is a very specific process. It’s a craft. It’s an art form. I want salespeople who are always trying to improve their performance by working on very little, specific things. That’s what I do when I teach selling. I always say, there’s a little point here. It’s very important. If I could just make this little adjustment, say this instead of that, let me see what the results are going to be.

I want you to be the kind of salesperson that goes back and repeats this course and focuses on the areas that are your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. That’s how you’ve got to focus on your sales career. Always be improving.

I hope that’s helpful. We’ll see you at the next video.

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